This is my school!
Hi, I'm Matthew Facer and I'm an 18 year old A2 Media Studies student. I attend Poole Grammar School and I am working with a group of my two friends, Jordan Dunkley and Luke Barcock. I've worked previously with Jordan as we produced a short film introduction together as part of our AS Media Project but this is the first time I've worked with Luke but I'm looking forward to it!
^The above links are to my group's blogs so you can see our multiple perspectives!
Our Brief
Last year, for AS, I was assigned to create a short two minute film opening with my group and it's not too far different this year. For A2, we were given the choice between doing either a music video or a short film lasting approximately 5 minutes. Myself and my group chose to go forward with the short film concept because we felt it would be easiest to do following what we did last year, mainly because we have more experience now. We thought it would be a simple transition and that we'd be able to use our experience to improve on what we did. The following blog is a tracker of how we got on!