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White Balance

This year we'll be expecting to use White Balance, a camera technique/feature that we didn't really get round to learning to do as part of last year's project. I wasn't aware of what White Balance was or what it did last year anyway so it would have been very difficult to incorporate it into our film! However, now I have researched it and I'm fully aware of what it does and how it'll boost the quality of our film.

Below are examples of White Balancing from around our school:





Basically, to explain it as simply as possible, White Balance is the process by which the camera adjusts itself to get the colours in your image/video as close to what they really look like in reality as possible. Very often images and videos have coloured tinges to them due to the surrounding light, for example most pictures tend to have a yellowish tinge to them as you can see in the examples above. In order to correct this, we selected White Balance mode and took an image of a white sheet of paper which then set the colour levels to what we wanted them to be. From then on, we were able to take pictures and video our surroundings with the correct colouring applied.

This will be important to us come time to film as it'll give our film a far more realistic feel and define the setting and mise-en-scène to a far higher quality.

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