Our storyboard this year ended up changing a fair amount due to location complications but our rough idea and the concept itself remained mostly the same. We needed to have action sequences within the story and we knew we wanted to have an on-foot scene as well as a car chase scene but the design of these scenes were to be dependent on whether or not we could get certain places to film at. Regardless of this, the following is our planned storyboard:

Side 1
As you can see, this side of the storyboard covers the opening and the beginning of the foot chase; this was conceptualised long before we had an idea of our poker scene but, despite this, it still follows the basic outline of what we wanted out film to go with. This initial idea shows the way we had originally intended to pounce straight into the action from the off, starting with our alleyway scene in which we see our protagonist getting away with a bag.
The one thing seen here that we never even considered going any further with is the point at which we can see our characters running across the road to nearly be hit by a vehicle. We decided that it would obviously be very difficult to do this safely and effectively so we scrapped the idea entirely later on.
Essentially, the storyboard here dictates the fast paced and action-packed start that we always wanted to go with (the poker scene didn't hamper that too badly either because we used that as a way to establish the titles and characters before jumping straight into the chase from there).

Side 2
This side covers the main section of action and then our cliffhanger ending. The ending of our foot chase sees our characters clamber into their vehicles and start what was the hardest sequence in our film: the car chase. During this part of the film, we'll allude to our protagonist being tracked via his phone. You can see this in the middle of the page where our protagonist checks in his bag for his phone before swiftly chucking it out the window; this will be the way that we will reveal to the audience that our protagonist has been found by our antagonist.
Ideally we wanted the chase to end with a crash resulting in the presumed death of the antagonist but, obviously, this would be incredibly hard to fake and even harder to do legitimately without costing us a fortune and potentially killing our future actor! So alternatively, we came up with the idea that our protagonist will perform a (semi-dangerous) hard turn suddenly to get away from the villain.
Finally, we intend the film to end with our protagonist parking his car and retreating to a secluded area to open his bag and discover what he's wanted this whole time. It'll end hopefully with a shot similar to that of the famous car boot shot in Reservoir Dogs with our protagonist being looked at from within the bag.